Rebuilding Your Life and Finding Purpose After Addiction RCA

The key to healing from addiction and rebuilding trust is an addiction treatment program. Addicts in recovery in relationships must learn how to live a healthier life and take responsibility for past mistakes, including hurting loved ones. Now that you are through living a life of substance abuse, you’ll likely want to reconnect with your friends and family members on an emotional level. But, perhaps you’re realizing that many of them aren’t ready to take that step. It will be tempting to beat yourself up about the issues you experienced in your past.

rebuilding life after addiction

Chances are that you did things to loved ones — or didn’t do things that you should have — while you were under the influence of drugs and alcohol. If you need further help or support during the relationship recovery process, consider speaking with an individual, family, or couples therapist. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to go through this alone. There are tips and resources available to help you along your SUD and relationship recovery journey.

Repairing Relationships After Substance Use Disorder

If you think of it from their point of view, they probably have reasons for those feelings. So instead of getting frustrated, work on communicating that you understand their position and don’t expect an immediate improvement in the relationship. Make it clear that you know you will have to work to regain their trust and that you are open to doing what it takes. Your daily routine plays a significant role in rebuilding your life. Establishing a new healthy way different from your previous one is essential.

  • This includes regular exercise, eating a healthy and balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and staying sober.
  • Only time and patience will really show your commitment to being clean and sober.
  • A healthy diet, over time, will also increase your energy levels, immune system, appearance, and your feeling of well-being.
  • Even though you are focused on rebuilding your life, you still have to focus on getting and staying sober.
  • If you’re not ready to start attending social gatherings right away, that’s OK.

Parents, friends, and family have to relearn relationships and boundaries that will encourage their recovery and not enable negative habits. One hurdle we have to overcome is accepting that rebuilding relationships involve changing them. The tenor of relationships change after addiction, and it’s okay that they never go back to what they were before. Family members will emotionally distance themselves from those in active addiction in order to keep from getting hurt further.

Therapies and Support Groups for Those in Recovery and Their Loved Ones

Warren is a Licensed Master Social Worker, who specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment. Clinically, Warren has developed a therapeutic skillset that utilizes a strengths-based perspective, Twelve Step philosophies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. Besides support groups or help from the professionals at Lantana, you can find inspiration in reading about listening to others that have battled addiction.

rebuilding life after addiction

Learning from people who have been through the same struggles as you, and sharing your experience with others will bring a positive impact on your life. You might be struggling to open up to your friends or family about how you feel. Joining support groups is a great way of sharing your feelings with others and finding advice.

Does your Insurance Cover Rehab?

It’s important to avoid over-extending yourself in order to force things to go back to “normal”. Also, avoid letting such disappointments negatively affect you. It’s easy to become discouraged and stop moving forward when situations like this occur. But, setting boundaries will help to prevent you from over-exerting yourself. It’s often difficult to stay on track after treatment is over. It’s especially difficult in cases where family members and friends aren’t exactly ready to offer the support you need.

You may only remember things back when you were sober and a functioning family member, but those roles and expectations in those relationships have also changed. No doubt, addiction caused some health issues and unhealthy changes in your body. Now that you have moved past substance abuse, it’s time to take your health back into your hands! Another very critical thing to remember as you recover from substance abuse is the importance of self-care.

Step 4- Follow Through

For many, insecurity and low self-esteem contributed to the onset of drug use. While substance abuse can initially mask these feelings, the relief is short-lived. Over time, being stuck in the cycle of addiction can do further damage to one’s self-esteem and confidence in their ability to overcome challenges, making recovery more difficult. Early in recovery, rebuilding life after addiction it’s normal for friends and family to maintain some healthy emotional distance from the one working towards sobriety. If they’re not receptive to the individual’s attempts to mend relationships, it can be frustrating at best and lonely and isolating at worst. It can damage relationships, hinder career prospects, and cause financial and legal problems.

It’s a difficult aspect of recovery, but you may have to cut ties with those people with who you used to drink or take drugs. When you are stronger then it may be possible to engage with these people again. While there are support options in place to help, such as sober living homes, the problem can still be difficult to deal with. Researchers say these hopeful findings are significant because they might inspire people to keep attempting recovery even after they endure multiple relapses.

But now that friends and family have given you the ground rules, moving forward, now you’ll have to follow through on it. You beat substance abuse and addiction, and now the time has come to change other habits correlating to how you relate to others, things you do for them, handling obligations, and more. Taking steps to repair every relationship is different, and often depends on how the relationship was impacted by addiction. Some friends and family members set hard boundaries during active addiction, while others encourage codependence. Sometimes parents will reach out after their child gets clean, and other times they will be convinced that the recovery won’t last. One of the most difficult parts of getting sober is figuring out what to do with all the time.

rebuilding life after addiction

Rather it’s a choice to acknowledge that they are here and to move forward. But in order to fully regain control of your life, it is important that you let go of your past and focus on living an addiction-free life ahead. Now that we have observed why is it important to live a healthy life both during and after substance abuse treatment.